hello. i've finally taken pictures of my desk, book shelf and stuff that i wanted to blog about. so far everything has been quite good for me i guess, maybe it's because school havent started yet. talking about school, i went to curtin with jefri the other day and went to look for the building that im suppose to go on the first day. my school or should i call it university is very big lor. if there's no sign telling where's where, i think i might get lost.
btw, where all my taggers go? is my blog getting less interesting? i was expecting you guys talk about "the mom song" on my previous post but sadly none tags about it. walau~ very saddening you know. everytime when i check my tagboard i feel so sad and i dont feel like blogging even if i have loads to blog about.

my desk. very big right? i even have my own printer. see my very own laptop resting on the table? i'm using it everyday, once i wake up i'll switch it on until i go to bed unless if i go out lah. i wonder how my life would be if i dont have a laptop/computer here with me.
i'm currently watching 我的亿万面包, 纯白的爱 and 有多爱. see how busy i am? i'm almost finish with 我的亿万面包 already, im waiting for the last few episode from youtube. it's funny, i like the movie. as for 纯白的爱, it's a movie starring 张哪拉 and 余文乐 i think it's a typical taiwan kind of movie where the female is "less smart" and the male is cool and they yada yada yada and they fell in love with each other. i just started 有多爱 and i dont think i can finish the whole movie because i think there's 100+ episode. haha.

my shelf with no books. it might be filled with books and papers when school starts. i even put some of my clothes in my shelf, can you imagine how small my so called wardrobe is? well, it's actually an okay size but the door is just so small and it's hard to get or maybe choose the clothes i want to wear so i fold most of them instead of hanging them. :)



my chair.

the pig who always stay with me during the dark. jk. it's actually a torch light and it doesnt require battery, it's hard to explain so i'll just skip that part. i uses it whenever i want to go to the toilet at night where the whole house is dark and i'll have to use the pig to show me where i'm going.

here comes the food! i forget whether this is my lunch or dinner. it's instant noodle, tomato, green peas, dumplings, tofu, mushroom balls and more. yummy right? but it's not really healthy, the only healthy thing in it is the tomato. haha. I EAT TOMATOES. i dont eat them when i was in brunei but now i'm starting to eat it. and strawberries too, i bought a packet of strawberries at finish the whole packet all by myself.
i am so proud of me. to be honest, i eat them for the sake of becoming beautiful. i heard Pat from laneige saying that strawberries has 100% more vitamin C than oranges. vitamin C is very important for the skin somehow and that's why i eat strawberry. tomato is somehow very useful for the skin too.
what else is good for the skin? tell me.. HAHAHA. i am dying to be pretty you know. but i ate loads of pop corn today. went to watch bride wars with jefri just now, the movie was good. anne hathaway is so pretty!! back to the main point, pop corn is very heaty and somehow will cause pimples. what's worst than that is, i had KFC for dinner at my aunt's. i know, what strawberries what tomatoes all also become useless liao.. i don't want pimple! i'm gonna eat tomatoes for the whole day tomorrow.

erjie cook this. meat with various vegetables. healthy yet spicy. :(

fried rice with radish soup. i dont like the radish soup. who cooks radish soup with small chilli? but the fried rice was good and it's easy to cook too. *thumbs up*

closer view of the fried rice for those who are blind. =P
tomorrow is be the last day of chinese new year. i'll be having dinner with my relatives. gong xi fa cai for the last time this year. lalala~ i'm bored. school will start in 18 days. goodbye.