Grace: i miss you too. this is life lo. sigh. sooner or later you will leave and so will the others.
581: labba labba you too~
nelly: yup, very nice. when you come i bring you there lah. you didn't say you miss me de. :( btw, i noticed you didn't use spongehead anymore. haha.
Jefri: sure sure sure. i want to visit the chocolate factory, fishing, catch abalone and etc. wee~
Wendy: haha. then everyone got free teh tarik to drink, all the kaling shop close liao lo.
Farah: you still have the picture? i want it too. =P

i really miss you a lot wen. i miss us doing the "i'm a swan" thing. i miss you standing on my feet and we'll go walking around the house. i remember you once told me that you don't want to bring oreo to school because after eating oreo there'll still be tidbit of them stuck on your teeth. you are very 顾形象的 person when you're outside, sometimes. but when you're at home, you just do whatever you want. it's not very good to mention what you did at home so i'll just skip that part. ;)
i miss those times when i would read stories for you and we'll end up talking about other stuff instead. you would tell me about everything: your friends, school life, family and more. but there's also times when i really want to kill you. i always get scolded because of you but i'm okay with it now. you're so spoilt. urg..
i remember helping you when mummy wants you to tell her your timetables and you keep forgetting some of the 7's,8's and 9‘s and i would use my finger to tell you the answer and the good thing is that mummy didn't even noticed that you're cheating. HAHAHA. and also, whenever i teach you about your school work, you will definitely end up crying. you'll cry so loud as if i was trying to torture you or something, it's because you're always so stubborn that's why i was so angry and scold you.
i always try to finish your dinner for you when you cant finish them. mummy would certainly bomb you if you don't finish them and you would ask help from me and i'll have to secretly eat it for you without being notice. you're a good drawer too. i still have "pippa the poppy fairy" that you draw for me.
you're a person that i can trust, i think. at least until now you haven't tell anyone about my secret, i think and so did i. but you'll still tell others about it when we're both quarrelling and i'd do the same thing too. :P you're also a very macam sister, you want a laptop and don't want my pc and thus you create loads of reason just so that you can have a laptop hopefully next year, depending on what result you get.
everytime when we skype, you would always ask me about your birthday present that you want erjie to buy you. so that one la you, keep thinking of your own present. oh, and you said that whenvever you go out, you must buy at least 1,2 or 3 things depending on your mood. walao~ -__- hehe. but i still love and miss you so much. *cha cha*