I’ve been thinking about how my life will be when I’m in Perth. Everything will be different. The weather, food (I assume), people, environment, and everything are different!
My cousin who’s in Melbourne told me that the temperature is so crazy that it can be 28 degree Celsius today and tomorrow the temperature might fall to 9 degree. She had to wear her winter clothes even though it’s spring. I hope that the weather in Perth will be better than Melbourne’s. (:

choo choo train @ Excapade.
First of all, there won’t be any Sushi Excapade in Perth, which is a sad thing because the sushi in Perth might be different from Brunei’s. I heard that they had “modified” the sushi in Brunei to suits the people’s taste. That’s why the original sushi from Japan and Brunei’s taste different.
I can’t have my usual family day that occurs every Sunday, yes EVERY SUNDAY, which is why I love Sundays. We (me and my family) get to go out from approximately 10-11am to 7pm. We’ll first have our brunch, then grocery shopping and go around Brunei, music lessons and high tea and a little more shopping and home.
There would be less Chinese restaurants, even if they have one, the food might taste somehow different compared to Brunei’s Chinese restaurant. Boohoo. No more kolo mee, dim sums and etc.
All I’d have is sandwiches, cereal, instant noodles and fruits. Why? Because they’re easy to make and requires less cost and time. This is what I assume but I think these are the foods that I’ll be most likely to eat. They’re healthy too, except for the instant noodles.
Da jie told me that they sell jumbo pack instant noodle. But I wonder if they taste as good as the old time favorite Maggi or not.

Btw (bee tee double eu), there’s a new branch of Excapade Sushi located at Serusop, it’s Sushi Shoduko (not sudoku), if I’m not mistaken. It’s rather small inside, less Japanese kind of feel but there’s still the train there. There’s even a hot water thingy (picture above), just push your cups toward it and there’s your hot water. This is something that Excapade Sushi don’t have.
Since there’s 4 seasons in Perth, yes I can hear birds singing during spring, see leaves turning from green to red in autumn, feel the warmth of summer and most of all I get to feel the crack on my skin during winter!
Winter can dry up my skins and so I’ll be needing moisturizer and lotion to moisten my skin to keep them nice and not dry. I bet my skin will not be use to the weather in Perth and might... Sigh! Get pimples. 阿弥陀佛~ let’s hope that this wont happen to me.

wanna fight?
I’ll miss my family and friends too. Thank god I get to spend Happi’s first part of childhood with her, and I bet she’ll be missing me a lot in the rest of her childhood as I’m her favorite sister & friend.
As for baby Kerstin, I’m sure that she’s see me with her “who-the-heck-are-you?” face once I come back for holiday. She’s 11 months now and she’ll be talking in no time. I’ll call home regularly to make sure that she doesn’t forgets me and also to update my current situation with my family.
I hope that my mother wants to talk to me whenever I call, because every times er jie calls, she’d be busy watching TV, eating or etc. I don’t want the same thing to happen to me. I know my mother’s “schedule” already. I wont be calling during weekdays as she’s busy for the whole day, working in the day and TV at night. Yes, movies are

I wonder whether my bathroom has heater or not. I prefer bathing with warm water but sometimes hot. No, I’m not a 变态, it just feels better to bath with hot water sometimes. Not 100 degree Celsius hot lah. Whatever lah, I know you guys don’t get what I mean either, it’s just… bathing in cold water is like a torture to me.
Did you notice that I mentioned the bathroom as MY bathroom? Yup, the bathroom is in my room, my own personal washroom. No sharing though sharing is caring. There’s also house keeping every week, which is compulsory not that I’m lazy. =P
I’ve ask for a room with washroom in it but I can only know which room I’ll have in January because there’s still students living it in and they’ll be moving out next January, and then I’ll know which room I’ll be taking. But according to Melissa from James Hon Education, there won’t be a problem to have that room.

I’ll be staying in the room alone, with no one to chat with before I sleep. My sister always talks with me before we sleep. After I leave, there won’t be anybody talking to any of us. I know we’re talkative!
Sometimes during holidays, we even sneaked downstairs to watch TV during our sleeping hours. She also accompanies me to eat supper when I’m hungry in the night, I cook for her too when she’s hungry. I know, I’m the best sister anyone could have. I’m so proud of me. =)

@ Country Patch, Kiulap.
Pop juice from Country Patch is nice. There’s a $15 high tea for 2 from 3-6pm, weekends only. Serve with yummy cakes, chicken wings and etc. We went there yesterday but there’s none left. So depressing. It’s so cute, there’s tomato filled with tuna, too bad I didn’t get to try any. Btw, they change the high tea menu every week. High tea, anyone?
I love the place. It’s also a small place yet cozy. Go and have a look in there, and you’ll get what I mean.
I'm gonna watch Madagascar 2 tomorrow, i hope. i cant wait!! =D
I like to move it move it..
He likes to move it move it..
She likes to move it move it..
We like to.. MOVE IT!!!