the fruit tart shown on the video is probably a fruit pie not a fruit tart. i prefer fruit tart though, because it's cute. it's more prefereable, for me, to place 1 whole fruit tart in my mouth and start chewing it. it's more fun eating this way, than biting a small bit and let the delicious crumbs fall off.
i told my mother that i'm gonna bake fruit tarts, guess what she say? she exclaims, " go buy lah, don bake" i say, "it's expensive to buy oh. you pay ah?" she says " yea.." it's obvious that she doesn't really encourage me to bake and i don't know why. HAHA. but it's good as she's gonna buy them for me. (:

this is the kind of the jeans bag that i saw the other day at the dentist. the one i saw is much more nicer than this one but this looks a lil like the one i saw except for the brown part.
i've been searching in msn and yahoo but there's no jeans bag that look exactly like the one i saw. i really want to have the one that i saw, maybe not the exact same one. i wonder where the girl bought it. i should have ask her but i was too.. shy?