Saturday, December 27, 2008

still there for me.

i find some people are very selfish because they do not want to donate their blood to those who needs it. there might be many reason why they do not want to donate, ie. they have some kind of very serious sickness and do not want to spread it to others, afraid of the pain, yada yada yada and selfish (those who doesn't want to donate their blood for no reason because they think that it's their blood and they have the right to decide whether to donate or not and etc).

this issue im talking about got nothing to do to those who are having major sickness and those who are afraid. just about those who are.. SELFISH!

what if one day you have some major blood loss due to some sickess and there's no one to donate their blood to you? what if you're an orphan or whatever, just imagine that you have no family or you and your family members have different blood type (this happens, my blood type is O+ while my other siblings are A+ but this doesn't mean that im adopted or whatever) and your only hope is from those who is kind enough to donate their precious blood to you to save your life.

we all know that everyone need blood to survive but it doesn't mean that if you donate your blood and you wont be able to get back the amount of blood that you've donated. your body will somehow reproduce the blood so that you'll have sufficient amount of blood in your body. and do you know that it's better if we donate our blood every 3 months to remove the unwanted material from the body? 一举两得 leh.. makes you healthier and at the same time you can save others.

if everyone is thinking selfish-ly then die lah. the amount of people who needs blood is more than the amount of people who donate the blood. how can? if all the sick people depends on just a few number of people to donate the blood, it wont be enough lah. the blood type might not be different and it not easy to get the correct blood type.

HAHA. i don't even know why im typing this here. anyway, JUST GO DONATE YOUR BLOOD LAH!! =)
