while i was waiting for my aunt,
i heard a kid crying "help!"
i turned around and saw no kid but my neighbour's cat,
the cat was meow-ing
it sounded just like a kid asking for help.
meow and help.
hello! i've started this post with a little something that happened few days ago. the "meow" and "help" sound almost the same. hehe.
i had introduction to computing yesterday, the class might close down because there's too little student and i might have to choose another day for the unit. i was the first to finish what we're told to do, the lecturer mark my attendace and checked my work and i'm allowed to leave the class. i felt something wasn't right but i cant figure out what it was when i was on my way out. i didn't care much and went home.
when i woke up this morning, i felt like doing my homework and so i went to take my textbook, workbook and my pencil case. i began to panic when i didnt see my pencil case in my bag and keep thinking when's the last time i took it out and then i remembered, it was in the computer lab. that's what's wrong.
i went to the computer lab once i reached school and i was so happy to see that my pencil case is there, the place where i left it, it didn't move a single bit. this proves that there's no thief in CIC and i'm happy that i got my pencil case back. :)

today is one $%^&*(*&^%$%^(* day. i have english today and we all waited for the lecturer to come for almost 10mins until some of them beh tahan and went to ask where the lecturer is in the reception and then only we know that there's no class for the first 2 week.
i'm a little happy and a little @#$%. happy because there's no class until week 3 and ()_)@!#$ because the lecturer didnt inform us anything about it. all the lecturers keep saying that we should check our portal regularly for our timetables, attendance and etc. if there's any changes for anything, there'll be a notice for us in the portal but none of us get any notice regarding this matter. i check my portal like thrice a day and what's the use of checking it so often if notice are not given to us when we're suppose to be noticed.

i had my very first professional cooking thingy just now. i cooked the dish shown in the above picture and it taste yummy. i bought teriyaki sauce and the rest are fresh foods, there are chicken breast meat, mushroom (that can hardly be seen) and carrots. i dont know what else to talk about this, i'm just happy that i can cook.
p/s: if any of my sister is reading this, please show the above picture to papa and mummy. tell them i can cook now and it taste really nice with no help from anyone. well, there's a teeny winny help from jenny(the house

this is an overdue picture taken during orientation when we're separated into groups and we have to make a fashionable clothing for our models. we get to know more about australia english too. erm.. here's some example: waddayareckon, how r ya, dunky, thongs and etc.
i find one very funny. i'll just use how are you intead of the australia english one since i've forgotten what's it called. it's something like how are you but it's not. you can see people working in the counter, cashier and etc asking you "how are you?" and all you have to answer is "good". why? because they dont really want to know how are you, it's just like saying hello but they say how are you instead of hello.
the person who told us this used to work in the hospital, and he heard a doctor asking a patient "how are you?" and the patient says "not very good. i'm here for an operation on.." before the patient finishes what he's saying the doctor went away. see.. this proves that they dont really want to know how are you, it's just a method of saying hello for australian.
we also get to know all kinds of dangerous animals in australia. this is my first time knowing this, redback spiders, horses, dogs, sharks, jelly fish and etc kills. suprisingly, horses kill the most in 5 years. we all thought that spiders and sharks kill the most but horses kill the most in australia. emus are big, ugly and they can run very fast. that's how they describe emu on the powerpoint. HAHA.

i get to be in the same time zone as brunei during winter. this is so cool and it's weird because i don't hear any of my friends saying this when they went back to brunei, not even my sister. currently, there's an hour time differencefor perth(not the entire australia because there's even time difference between perth and melbourne, melbourne is 2 hours ahead of perth) and brunei. perth is an hour ahead of brunei's time. and during winter where we get less day time and more night time and somehow we all have to change our time when there's a notice in the news.
this means that there's gonna be 1 day where there'll be only 23 or 25 hours. isn't cool? we get to sleep more/less on that day. i wonder how it feels like when the day comes. it's my first time being in a non-24hours day. WAHAHA. i doubt that any of you is gonna understand what i'm talking about because i, myself dont know what im talking about either. it's just so cool.