i'm happy because..
i get to press the bell on the bus.
i offer my seat to an old man.
i'm gonna start 'collecting friends' from all over the world.
i went to a walk after dinner just now.
i had hungry jack's for dinner the day before.
i have talk on the phone with Nelly for free.
wo ai hei se hui is very funny and i laugh out loud alone in my room.
i can cook.
i have bananas.
i get to print for free(but i have to bring my own papers) in CIC.
i'm excited about..
my very first test for my trimester.
meeting friends that i'm gonna 'collect'.
how my burger is gonna taste like later.
how people feels/thinks about me.
i'm mad because..
we don't get early notice to know that class is cancelled today!
p/s: i'm blogging at the computer lab now and it feels so cool to do something different. :)