Wednesday, November 18, 2009

it's all about the money.

Hello. Happi has gotten her result and I'm glad that she got really good results! It's either she's born to be smart or I just have the potential to be a tuition teacher? Dajie helped me make the bluetooth thingy and now I can upload pictures. Hooray!!

I want to have good english. I want to be able to write long long post to bored people to death, IF ONLY THERE ARE READER THAT IS. I want to be able to explain things clearly so that people do understand what I was trying to say. Boohoo. :(

Pictures below are taken in Brunei. Enjoy.



baby with funny looking bag that looks like a hat.

pipi. :)

papa and pipi playing tap tap revenge on iphone.



me with BLACK bread that tasted just like a normal white bread. it's black because it's made from charcoal or something like that. not really sure lah. bought it from lof. muahahahhahahah.
